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LSRTT Grievance Policy

Every working group, team, committee, association, assembly, etc. may face conflicts of interest, will face power struggles, will have disagreements, or will have grievances. Understanding the differences in how to handle these obstacles will go far toward keeping peace and allow you and LSRTT to be truly productive.

Dictionary Definition of Grievance

1) A cause of distress felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance. Example: “Her chief grievance was the sexual harassment by her boss.”

2) A formal expression of a grievance; an official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair. Example: “Charlie filed a grievance against his boss when Charlie felt being fired was unjustified.”

A grievance is not “an ax to grind”. It’s not a private or selfish action, a personal stake, a criticism, a chronic bone to pick, a point of disagreement, or a difference to settle. It is not a means for personal retaliation.

The following are formal grievances:

  1. Violating the Membership Agreement.
  2. Violating the Guidelines.
  3. Violating the Code of Conduct.
  4. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest.
  5. Criminal Behavior of any kind.
  6. Failure to follow the Grievance Procedures.
  7. Demonstrable bias.
  8. Not performing and being responsible for your official responsibilities in the Association.
  9. Slander (with documentation), Defamation of Character, or Libelous behavior with documentation.

The following are not grievances:

Not getting your way is not a grievance.

Not getting a position you want is not a grievance.

Not liking the way someone thinks is not a grievance.

Not liking someone personally is not a basis for a grievance.

Not having your ideas used is not a basis for a grievance.

Missing a meeting because of personal needs is not a basis for a grievance.

Criminal actions will not be considered by LSRTT and must be referred directly to the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA). The GIA must be notified of any criminal action related grievance. Any grievance that is elevated above LSRTT, where the grievance has occurred, will be handled as follows:

1) If the grievance submitted does not have merit, i.e., it is not an actionable grievance (see above), or has no irrefutable factual evidence, that Grievance will be dismissed and all Officers of LSRTT that were party to its elevation will be required to step down from their positions immediately. This applies at every level including committees, etc.

2) If the grievance has merit, recommendations will be given to both of the parties with the expectation that these recommendations will be voluntarily followed. If the involved parties elect to not work out a solution based on the recommendations given, an independent Mediator will render and enforce a decision.

3) Persistent grievances that do not have merit that are filed by non-office holding members may result in that member’s suspension from voting on LSRTT matters, or participation within the LSRTT committees and restoration teams.

4) All grievances with merit and irrefutable factual evidence will be referred to the Mediator for moderation in an attempt to resolve the issue before a formal recommendation will be issued.