Welcome To The Lone Star Restoration Team Texas

Lone Star Restoration Team Texas

Our Mission

Who We Are

What We Do

Projects are important to the restoration of Texas and Earth. LSRTT Restoration Team has organized the  Restoration Projects Team to help facilitate projects and project owners. The team assists project owners to review, manage, and execute their projects, ensuring the needs of the people and the peoples’ projects are met. 

Preliminary review of project business plans is completed by the project owner and one or more Committees that have subject matter specialists. If needed, C.A.R.E. team members can be called upon for their expertise. This review is to ensure the plan is ready for submission. Business plans need at least the following information for approval:

1.  A thoroughly stated need, issue, or vision that benefits Texans or humanity.

2.  Statement that supports the need, issue, or the vision’s benefits or statement of rights.

3.  A plan for project development that may include resources, technology, suppliers, personnel, operations, marketing, transportation, etc.

4.  Budget covering start-up expenses and 1-3 years of operation.

Project concepts currently under consideration include urban gardening and farmer’s markets, air & water purification systems, housing solutions, homeless programs, family & child services, new technologies for energy, hemp and natural fiber production, teaching and education centers, sustainable farming, environmental cleanup, and holistic health & wellness.

Restoration Team – How we work

Our Restoration Projects Team is available to assist and guide a person or group in clarifying or creating a project business plan. Working with potential project owners, the Team will help focus your identified needs or new ideas for our communities. The Team will also help find potential solutions as new technology comes into the view of the public. Our world is changing quickly and LSRTT strives to discover new and sustainable ways to assist the People’s projects.

The Restoration Team is comprised of Committees. Because one project can overlap topics, the committees work as a team with the project owner to find what is needed to create solutions, what resources are available, how the work will be accomplished, and who will do it. Committees assist in assessing potential project needs within their scope of expertise and collaboration with related committees. This will ensure an accurate, well documented project plan and budget.

For More Info Choose A Committee Link





Health & Wellness

Lone Star Restoration Team

Create solutions with a team.“LSRTT has committed countless hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Join us and create healthy food alternative solutions.

Share your grow methods, ideas and projects.

Lone Star Restoration Team


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Times are changing – Sovereignty of self is emerging – Natural Law is the new Realm.

Trust in you. Be the change your looking for.